Volume 4, Number 3 (August 2024)
Published: 2024-08-31
1 Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, HTTTC, University of Buea
2 Department of Public Health, University of Bamenda
Corresponding Author: agbor.ayuknkem@gmail.com
To cite: Agbortoko & Mbuwir (2024). Urban Health Challenges: An Analysis of Population-Environment, Nexus in Douala, Cameroon. Journal of Tertiary and Industrial Sciences (JTIS), 4(3), 1‑16. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13624012 or Volume 4 Number 3 (August 2024) – Journal of Tertiary and Industrial Sciences (JTIS) (jtis-htttcubuea.com)
Menge Aaron Tabe
E-mail: menge.aaron@ubuea.cm
Department of English and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Buea.
Maroka Louiza
E-mail: louizamaroka42@gmail.com
Department of English and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Buea
To cite: Menge, & Maroka (2024). Analysis of the Identity Construction and Persuasion Language in the Speeches of Putin and Zelensky during the on-going Russo-Ukrainian War. Journal of Tertiary and Industrial Sciences (JTIS), 4(3), 17‑32. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13964163 or Volume 4 Number 3 (August 2024) – Journal of Tertiary and Industrial Sciences (JTIS) (jtis-htttcubuea.com)
Economics and Management
Suh Jude Abenwi 1,
Negou Ernest 2,
Emmanuel Dioh Otte 3
1Lecturer in the University of Buea, SWR, Cameroon
2Lecturer in the University of Buea, SWR, Cameroon
3Manager, LOBE Credit Union SWR, Cameroon
To cite: Suh et al. (2024). The Effect of Loan Policies and Recovery Expenditures on the Sustainability of Microfinance Institutions in the Ndian and Meme Divisions of the South West Region in Cameroon. Journal of Tertiary and Industrial Sciences (JTIS), 4(3), 33‑42. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13624045 or Volume 4 Number 3 (August 2024) – Journal of Tertiary and Industrial Sciences (JTIS) (jtis-htttcubuea.com)